Daily Maintenance Instructions For Beer Filling Machines


Daily maintenance instructions for beer filling machines. When using a beer filling machine, pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of the beer filling machine. This will extend the life of the beer filling machine and maintain the maintenance of the wine filling machine. Maintenance work can greatly reduce the failure rate of wine filling machines.
While beer filling machines are widely used, daily maintenance and maintenance issues are receiving increasing attention.
1. First, the beer filling machine should be used correctly to ensure proper and safe operation of the equipment.
Before use, the operator uses the equipment and routine maintenance work correctly and reasonably.
 2. Clean the surface daily, do not contaminate the dust; first clean the equipment before operating the beer filling machine.
 3. Check the high temperature cloth of the equipment and replace the high temperature cloth and equipment in time.
After each operation, organize and set aside.
 4. Paint the surface of the beer filling machine once every three months.
It is believed that the daily life of the beer filling machine can be effectively extended by daily maintenance and maintenance.
Finally, if you feel that the beer filling machine is malfunctioning, please turn off the equipment immediately,
cut off the power, contact the after-sales customer service, do not disassemble it yourself!
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